Operator Precedence Grammar

Operator Precedence Grammar:
  • It is an operator grammar for which the precedence relations constructed using method 2 are disjoint. That means for any pair of terminals a and b, at any time, only one of the relations a <. b, a $\overset{.}{\mathop{=}}\,$   b and a .> b is true
  • Consider the operator grammar: E E + E | E * E | (E) | id
  • This is not an operator grammar, because more than one precedence relation holds between certain pair of terminals
  • For example + and + i.e., + +.> and + + <.
Check whether the following grammars are operator precedence or not,
E → E + E | E * E | (E) | id
S → a | b | (T)
T → T , S | S

Algorithm overview:
  • Once precedence relations are define, take the input string to be parsed and write the relations between the terminal present in it
  • For example, consider the string id + id * id to be parsed by the precedence relations table



  • After establishing precedence relations, the string becomes
  • Now scan the string until the first .> is seen
  • Go back from the position in step1 until the first <.  Is seen (cross over $\overset{.}{\mathop{=}}\,$ )
  • Now everything between <. and .> is the handle
  • Reduce the handle, re-establish relations after ignoring non-terminals and  goto step1 until the string remained is $$
  • The first handle in the string is id. After reducing it to E and ignoring E, we get, $\$+id*id\$$   and after re-establishing relations and after two more reductions, we get $\$+*\$$  and after re-establishing relations we get, $\$<.+<.*.>\$$ 
  • Now, we need to reduce * and then after + to finally announce successful parsing (when we reduce * or + there are non-terminals surrounding them. We can assume them generally as ignored)

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