Access to Nonlocal Names

Access to Non-local Names:
  • In some cases, when a procedure refer to variables that are not local to it, then such variables are called nonlocal variables
  • There are two types of scope rules, for the non-local names. They are
                Static scope
                Dynamic scope
Access to Nonlocal Names in symbol table,Static Scope in symbol tables, lexical scope in symbol tables, what is block in symbol table,Lexical Scope for Nested Procedure in symbol table,what is Nesting Depth in symbol table,Access Link in symbol table, r16 jntuh compiler design lecture notes, jntuh compiler design notes pdf
Static Scope or Lexical Scope
  • Lexical scope is also called static scope. In this type of scope, the scope is verified by examining the text of the program.
  • Examples: PASCAL, C and ADA are the languages that use the static scope rule.
  • These languages are also called block structured languages
  • A block defines a new scope with a sequence of statements that contains the local data declarations. It is enclosed within the delimiters.
Declaration statements
  • The beginning and end of the block are specified by the delimiter. The blocks can be in nesting fashion that means block B2 completely can be inside the block B1
  • In a block structured language, scope declaration is given by static rule or most closely nested loop
  • At a program point, declarations are visible
                The declarations that are made inside the procedure
                The names of all enclosing procedures
                The declarations of names made immediately within such procedures
  • The displayed image on the screen shows the storage for the names corresponding to particular block
  • Thus, block structure storage allocation can be done by stack
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Lexical Scope for Nested Procedure
  • If a procedure is declared inside another procedure then that procedure is known as nested procedure
  • A procedure pi, can call any procedure, i.e., its direct ancestor or older siblings of its direct ancestor
                Procedure main
                Procedure P1
                Procedure P2
                Procedure P3
                Procedure P4
Access to Nonlocal Names in symbol table,Static Scope in symbol tables, lexical scope in symbol tables, what is block in symbol table,Lexical Scope for Nested Procedure in symbol table,what is Nesting Depth in symbol table,Access Link in symbol table, r16 jntuh compiler design lecture notes, jntuh compiler design notes pdf
Nesting Depth:
  • Lexical scope can be implemented by using nesting depth of a procedure. The procedure of calculating nesting depth is as follows:
                The main programs nesting depth is ‘1’
                When a new procedure begins, add ‘1’ to nesting depth each time
                When you exit from a nested procedure, subtract ‘1’ from depth each time
                The variable declared in specific procedure is associated with nesting depth
Static Scope or Lexical Scope
  • The lexical scope can be implemented using access link and displays.
Access Link:
  • Access links are the pointers used in the implementation of lexical scope which is obtained by using pointer to each activation record
  • If procedure p is nested within a procedure q then access link of p points to access link or most recent activation record of procedure q
Example: Consider the following piece of code and the runtime stack during execution of the program
                program test;
                var a: int;
                procedure A;
                var d: int;
                                a := 1,
                procedure B(i: int);
                var b : int;
                procedure C;
                var k : int;
                                if(i<>0) then B(i-1)
                                else C;
  • If access links are used in the search, then the search can be slow
  • So, optimization is used to access an activation record from the direct location of the variable without any search
  • Display is a global array d of pointers to activation records, indexed by lexical nesting depth. The number of display elements can be known at compiler time
  • d[i] is an array element which points to the most recent activation of the block at nesting depth (or lexical level)
  • A nonlocal X is found in the following manner:
  • Use one array access to find the activation record containing X. if the most-closely nested declaration of X is at nesting depth I, the d[i] points to the activation record containing the location for X
  • Use relative address within the activation record
Access to Nonlocal Names in symbol table,Static Scope in symbol tables, lexical scope in symbol tables, what is block in symbol table,Lexical Scope for Nested Procedure in symbol table,what is Nesting Depth in symbol table,Access Link in symbol table, r16 jntuh compiler design lecture notes, jntuh compiler design notes pdf
How to maintain display information?
Access to Nonlocal Names in symbol table,Static Scope in symbol tables, lexical scope in symbol tables, what is block in symbol table,Lexical Scope for Nested Procedure in symbol table,what is Nesting Depth in symbol table,Access Link in symbol table, r16 jntuh compiler design lecture notes, jntuh compiler design notes pdf
  • When a procedure is called, a procedure ‘p’ at nesting depth ‘i’ is setup:
                Save value of d[i] in activation record for ‘p’
                ‘I’ set d[i] to point to new activation record
  • When a ‘p’ returns:
                Reset d[i] to display value stored
Where can display be maintained?
  • Registers
  • In statically allocated memory (data segment)
  • Store display or control stack and create a new copy on each entry
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