The Sussman Anamoly- Strips Planning Systems

Strips Planning Systems -The Sussman Anamoly in Artificial Intelligence

 Strips Planning Systems -The Sussman Anamoly

  • There are some, drawbacks with using recursive STRIPS.
  • The drawbacks can be explained with an example. Let us consider an discs-world problem that has to delead using recursive STRIPS. 
Strips Planning Systems The Sussman Anamoly,The Sussman Anamoly in AI, Strips Planning Systems in AI,Sussman Anamoly in AI,Sussman Anamoly notes jntu
Fig. The Sussman Anamoly 

  • The goal state as shown in Fig. 3.10.3 is, 
    • On(P, Q) ∧ On(Q, R) ∧ On(R, F) ∧ Clear(P) ∧ Clear(F) 
  • The initial state is, 
    • On(R, P) ∧ On(Q, F) ∧ Clear(Q) ∧ Clear(R) 
  • Inorder to achieve goal state using the STRIPS rules one of the conjunct has to be selected. 
  • Let it selects On(P, Q) first. So it moves R on to floor and then moves P on to Q. 
  • But the other conjunct is On(Q, R) in order to do this it has to revert the process it has done.
  • So, let us assume On(Q, R) is selected first. It performs the operation of moving Q onto R. But the other conjunct On(P, Q) is selected and again this process has to be re-achieved. 
  • This problem of not having a minimum number of operations to reach the goal state is known as Sussman Anomaly.
  • This is the problem due to the usage of depth-first search in recursive STRIPS. 
  • So we may think of using bread-first search, but, its usage is not feasible in realistic problems. 
  • A solution to this problem is to use breadth-first, backward-directed search. Using backward search is efficient, because the number of conjuncts in goals state wff are less than those of initial state description.
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