Language Processing System


Language Processing System

Language Processing System is also called as process of execution of a program
Cousins of compiler means the contexts that are required by the compiler to operate such contexts are basically programs, such as preprocessor, compilers, assemblers, loaders and link editors

  • It is a program that reads the source code and prepares it for the translator
  • The result of preprocessing is called the compiler
Roles of Preprocessor:
  • Copies all library functions of a file into a source code
  • Expand macros into a source code
Example: #include<stdio.h> here # is a processor directive. It copies all library functions of stdio.h (standard input output) file into a program.
  • Compiler is a program that reads a program in high level language known as source code as its input and converts it into an equivalent program in low level language known as object code as its output.
  • The compiler may produce an assembly language is easier to produce as output and is easier to debug
  • The assembly language is then processed by a program called assembler that produce relocatable machine code as its output.
  • Programs are divided into modules known as functions in C
  • Some of the functions are written by user and others are stored in a file (header file)
  • The process of linking user functions and system functions to a final executable code known as linker
  • Once the program is linked, it is ready for execution
  • The process of loading the program into primary memory for execution is known as loader

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