Overview of Compilation

In addition to the development of a compiler, the techniques used in compiler design can be applicable to many problems in computer science.
  • Techniques used in lexical analyzer can be used in text editors, information retrieval system and pattern recognition programs.
  • Techniques used in a parser can be used in a query processing system such SQL.
  • Many software having a complex front-end may need the techniques used in compiler design.
  • Most of the techniques used in compiler design can be used in Natural language Processing systems.

Why Language translators?
  • Programming languages are used to express ideas to a computer
  • Some programming languages are written in natural languages (i.e. English)
  • Computer can't understand natural language i.e., it can understand only binary language/ manchine language (0's and 1's)
  • To run a program, it must first be translated into a machine form so that it canbe executed by a computer
  • This job is done by the language translators
  • Language translator is a system software that converts a code from one form of a language to another form of language
Example: Compilers, Interpreters, Assemblers.

Definition of Compiler
  • Compiler is a program which takes one language (source program) as input and translates it into an equivalent another language (target program)
  • During this process of translation if some errors are encountered, then compiler displays them as error messages. The model of compiler can be represented as follows
Properties of Compiler
When a compiler is built, it should posses the following properties:
  • The compiler itself must be bug-free
  • It must generate correct machine code
  • The generated machine code must run fast
  • The compiler itself must run fast(compilation time must be proportional to program size)
  • The compiler must be portable(i.e., modular, supporting separate compilation)
  • It must give good diagnostics and error messages
  • The generated code must work well with existing debuggers
  • It must have consistent optimization
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