Reaching Definitions in Dataflow Analysis

Reaching Definitions:
The primary goal includes the identification of all connections between variable definitions (“write”) and variable uses (“read”)
                                x = y + z has a definition of x and uses of y and z
A definition d reaches a program point p if there exists a CFG path that
                                Starts at the program point immediately after d
                                Ends at p
                                Does not contain a definition of d (i.e., d is not “killed”)
Unambiguous and Ambiguous Definitions:
                                a = b + c                //unambiguous definition of a
                                * p = a;                 //ambiguous definition of a if a points to variables;
                                ……                         other than a as well

                                a = k – m              //unambiguous definition of a; kills the above a

The Reaching Definition Problem
Sets of definitions comprises the domain of dataflow values
Supersets of definitions are calculated as safe values
It is safe to presume that a definition reaches a point, even if it does not reach a point
In the expel below, it is assumed that both a = 3 and a = 6 reach the point after the completion of
                                if(a == b) a = 3; else if(a == b) a =6;
The dataflow equations (constraints) are
                                IN[B] =                  U            OUT[P]
                                                P is a predecessor of B
OUT[B] = GEN[B]             U            (IN[B] – KILL[B])
IN[B] = f, for all B (initialization only)
If some definitions reach B1 (entry), then IN[B1] is initialized to that set
Forward flow DFA problem (since OUT[B]) is expressed in terms of IN[B]), confluence operator is U
GEN[B] = set of all definitions inside B that are “visible” immediately after the block -  downwards exposed definitions
Reaching Definitions Analysis:
An Example – Pass 1
Unambiguous and Ambiguous Definitions,Reaching Definition Problem in compiler design,Reaching Definitions Analysis in compiler design,An iterative algorithm for Computing Reaching Definitions, examples of Reaching definitions, reaching definitions in dataflow analysis, use of reaching definitions in compiler design, estudies4you, jntu compiler design lecture notes, compiler design study material pdf, compiler design interview questions pdf,Use of Reaching Definitions Analysis in compiler design,
Figure 19
An Example – Pass 2
Unambiguous and Ambiguous Definitions,Reaching Definition Problem in compiler design,Reaching Definitions Analysis in compiler design,An iterative algorithm for Computing Reaching Definitions, examples of Reaching definitions, reaching definitions in dataflow analysis, use of reaching definitions in compiler design, estudies4you, jntu compiler design lecture notes, compiler design study material pdf, compiler design interview questions pdf,Use of Reaching Definitions Analysis in compiler design,
An Example – Final
Unambiguous and Ambiguous Definitions,Reaching Definition Problem in compiler design,Reaching Definitions Analysis in compiler design,An iterative algorithm for Computing Reaching Definitions, examples of Reaching definitions, reaching definitions in dataflow analysis, use of reaching definitions in compiler design, estudies4you, jntu compiler design lecture notes, compiler design study material pdf, compiler design interview questions pdf,Use of Reaching Definitions Analysis in compiler design,
An iterative algorithm for Computing Reaching Definitions
                                for each block B do {IN[B] = ; OUT[B] = GEN[B];}
                                flag = true;
                                while flag do {flag = false;
                                for each block B do          {
                                                                                IN[B] = ∪              OUT[P];
                                                                                p is a predecessor of B
                                                                                oldout = OUT[B];
                                                                                OUT[B] = GEN[B] ∪ (IN[B] – KILL[B]);
                                                If(OUT[B] ≠ oldout) flag = true;
GEN, KILL, IN and OUT are all represented as bit vectors with one bit for each definition in the flow graph.
Reaching Definitions:
Unambiguous and Ambiguous Definitions,Reaching Definition Problem in compiler design,Reaching Definitions Analysis in compiler design,An iterative algorithm for Computing Reaching Definitions, examples of Reaching definitions, reaching definitions in dataflow analysis, use of reaching definitions in compiler design, estudies4you, jntu compiler design lecture notes, compiler design study material pdf, compiler design interview questions pdf,Use of Reaching Definitions Analysis in compiler design,
Figure 22
We can represent GEN[B] and KILL[B] by bit vectors. That means we can represent each di by 0’s and 1’s. The line(1) of algorithm is for computing GEN[B] and KILL[B]
Gen [B]
gen[B1] = {d1,d2} = {11000}
kill[B1] = {d3,d4,d5} = {00111}

gen[B3] = {d4} = {00 010}
kill[B3] = {d2,d5} = {01001}
gen[B4] = {d5} = {00 001}
kill[B4] = {d2,d4} = {01010}
gen[B5] = = {00 000}
kill[B5] = = {00 000}
According to line(2) of algorithm we initialize IN[B] =   and OUT[B] = GEN[B] for all the blocks B
in [B]
Out [B]

Considering that we will get more than one iterations for the while loop computation for IN[B] and OUT [B] can be done as follows.
IN[B1] = UP OUT[P],
Where p is predecessor blocks.
Predecessor of B1 is B2
IN[B1] = OUT [B2]             OUT[B1] = GEN[B1] U (IN[B1] – KILL[B1])
                = 00100                                 = 11000 U (00100 – 00111) = 11000

Now consider for block B2
IN[B2] = OUT[B1] + OUT[B5]         B1 and B5 are predecessor to B2
                = 11000 + 00000
                = 11000
OUT[B2] = GEN[B2] U (IN[B2] – KILL[B2])
                = 00100 U (11000 – 10000)
                = 01100
Consider for block B3
IN[B3] = OUT[B2]                              B2 is predecessor to B3
                = 01100
OUT[B3] = GEN[B3] U (IN[B3] – KILL[B3])
                = 00010 + (01100 = 01001)
                = 00110
IN[B4] = OUT[B3]
                = 00110
OUT[B4] = GEN[B4] U (IN[B4] – KILL[B4])
                = 00001 U (00110 – 01010)
                = 00101
IN[B5] = OUT[B3] U OUT[B4]
                = 00110 + 00101
                = 00111
and OUT[B5] = GEN[B5] U (IN[B5] – KILL[B5])
                = 00000 + (00111 – 00000)
                = 00111
Use of Reaching Definitions Analysis
Goal: Potential write-read (flow) data dependences
                Program understanding, like slicing
                Compiler optimizations
                Dataflow based testing
                Semantic checks, like use of uninitialized variables
                Might also find write-write (output) dependencies

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