Relationships in OOAD

Relationships in OOAD-OOAD Lecture Notes
  • A relationship is a connection among things
  • Graphically represented with different kinds of lines used to distinguish the kinds of relationships
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There are three major kinds of relationships. They are:

  • A dependency indicates a semantic relationship between two or more classes in which a change in one may force changes in the other although there is no explicit association between them 
  • Graphically, a dependency is rendered as a dashed directed line, directed to the independent thing 
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  • In generalization relationship one element (the parent) is generalization of another element (the child) 
  • It is also called as "is-a-kind-of" relationship 
  • Graphically represented as a solid directed line with a large open arrowhead, pointing to the parent
cse study zone,estudies4you,Relationships in OOAD,what are the Relationships in OOAD,Relationships in UML,what are the Relationships in uml,three types of Relationships in OOAD,Association Types in ooad,Association Types in uml,what is aggregation in uml,what is aggregation in ooad,

Association is a structural relationship where objects of one class are connected to objects of another class. 
  • An association is
Used to show a 'knows-a' relationship 
Either unidirectional or bidirectional 
Represented by solid line with a label (optional) and with a direction indicator 
  • Associations may optionally have role names and multiplicity symbols on either end of the association line (next to the class icon)
cse study zone,estudies4you,Relationships in OOAD,what are the Relationships in OOAD,Relationships in UML,what are the Relationships in uml,three types of Relationships in OOAD,Association Types in ooad,Association Types in uml,what is aggregation in uml,what is aggregation in ooad,

Association properties 
Describes the nature of the relationship to convey the meaning clearly
A triangle pointer in the direction that we want to read the name
A class may play specific role in a relationship A class can participate in many associations and thus have multiple (different) roles
Exactly one
Zero or one
One or more

Association Types
Aggregation is
  • Used to show a 'has-a' or a 'whole-part' relationship 
  • It is represented as a solid line with an open diamond on the 'whole' end 
Composition: Stronger aggregation relationship
  • The part cannot exist without the whole. For example, if the school closes down all the departments will go away with it

cse study zone,estudies4you,Relationships in OOAD,what are the Relationships in OOAD,Relationships in UML,what are the Relationships in uml,three types of Relationships in OOAD,Association Types in ooad,Association Types in uml,what is aggregation in uml,what is aggregation in ooad,

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