Advantages of using the phpMyAdmin Interface

Advantages of using the phpMyAdmin Interface

Advantages of using the phpMyAdmin Interface

You can also retrieve values from the table using the phpMyAdmin user interface.
The phpMyAdmin user interface can also be used to create views or generate equivalent PHP code for the queries done using the user interface itself.
Advantages of using the phpMyAdmin Interface

Updating Data
If you want to update additional values in the table
Advantages of using the phpMyAdmin Interface

Click Insert
Type the values you want to update and click Go.
Advantages of using the phpMyAdmin Interface

Updating of data in the database using PHP
The UPDATE statement is used to modify data in a table.
$username = "xyz";
$hostname = "localhost";
$dbhandle = mysqli_connect($hostname,$username);
echo "Connected to MYSQL";
mysqli_query($dbhandle,"UPDATE TEST_TABLE SET NAME=IABC1 WHERE SNO=2"); mysqli_close($dbhandle);

PHP Database
  • MySQL is the popularly used freely available relational database management system (RDBMS)
  • MySQL is reliable, fast, easy to use, and compiles on a number of platforms
  • To add additional values to your table, use the Insert option. Update the values and click Go to complete the procedure
  • While using PHP, if you want to perform any operation on the database data you need to first establish a database connectivity A You use the mysql_connect() function to connect PHP and MySQL
  • Once connection is established, you can create database and tables to store values
  • Database is created using the mysql_select_db() function
  • Tables can be created either through command nromnt or by usina nhnMyadmin user interface
  • The phpMyAdmin user interface can be used to add values to the table, update values and to also retrieve them when required 

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