Introduction to Functions in PHP

Functions with zero Arguments
Functions – Introduction
Functions are the real strength of PHP. There are more than 700 built-in functions in PHP. You can also define them explicitly based on your custom requirements. Functions are executed by calling the functions and they can be called from anywhere in the program.
Introduction to Functions in PHP
Writing Functions
  • Functions with zero Arguments
  • Functions with Arguments
  • Functions with default argument values
  • Functions with return values
Functions with zero Arguments 
  • Functions with zero arguments take empty parenthesis.
echo "My location is ";
                function location () // function name
                echo "Switzerland";

Functions with Arguments
·         We can pass information to the functions through arguments.
·         Arguments are supplied to the function within the parenthesis after the function name.
·         We can pass as many arguments to the function by a comma separated list.

function name($fname,$lname)
                echo "first name is $fname.<br>";
                echo "last name is $lname<br>";

Functions with default argument values
Function without arguments uses the default argument values. The following example shows the usage of default arguments:

function setValue($v=10)
                echo " v value is $v";
setValue();//uses the default argument value

Functions with return values
A Function uses the return statement to return the resultant values. The following example explains the usage of return statement.

function add($a,$b) {
return $c;
echo "the sum is”  .add(10,10) . "<br>";
echo "the sum is ".add(10,100) . "<br>";

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