PHP Introduction

Introduction to PHP

Introduction to PHP 

Learning Objectives
At the end of this topic, you will be able to:
  • Describe what PHP is
  • List the uses of PHP
  • List the advantages of PHP
  • List the important characteristics of PHP
  • Describe how to use PHP
  • List the components required for PHP
  • Setup the components required for PHP
  • Create PHP files
  • Run PHP files

  1. PHP is Hypertext Preprocessor.
  2. PHP is a widely-used open source server-side scripting language
  3. PHP is used to create dynamic web pages
  4. PHP is the most popular scripting language on the web
  5. PHP was previously called Personal Home Page

Uses of PHP
  • PHP is used for web development and it can be easily embedded into HTML
  • PHP enables you to create pages to implement authentication, check details using forms, create galleries, and create surveys.
  • Implement authentication
  • Check details using forms
  • Create galleries
  • Create surveys
PHP is also used to: -
  • Manage databases
  • Manage dynamic content
  • Track sessions
  • PHP can perform system functions - It can create, open, read, write, or close files on a system
  • PHP can handle forms - It can gather data from files, save data to a files, send data through emails, return data to users
  • PHP can interact with databases - It can add, delete, or modify data from databases
  • PHP can set cookies and access cookie variables
  • PHP can implement authorization and security - It can restrict user access to certain pages and also encrypt data

Advantages of PHP
  • PHP is a server-side language, PHP code is executed on the server and the results are displayed on the browser
  • PHP can be embedded in HTML which is widely used language
  • PHP supports a large number of protocols such as POP3, IMAP, and LDAP
  • PHP4 supports Java and distributed object architectures (COM and CORBA) which enables development of n-tier applications
  • PHP's syntax is similar to C and is easier to learn
  • PHP scripts can be tested easily installing a server like wampserver
  • PHP can be downloaded and used for free
  • PHP can generate page content dynamically
  • PHP runs on different platforms such as Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X.
  • PHP is compatible with almost all servers
  • PHP supports a wide range of databases
  • PHP is easy to learn and runs efficiently

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