javax.servlet.http Package

javax.servlet.http Package
javax.servlet.http Package
  • With help of classes and interfaces available in this package, developing servlets made easy
Interfaces of javax.servlet.http package
We read client request data.
We write back client response.
Session level data.
To link/unlink a object to current session

Classes of javax.servlet.http package
Provides methods for HTTP Request and Response.
Provides session-changeable events.
Checks if session attribute changed/not.
Allows to store information at client side.

  • HttpServletRequest Interface: As name indicates and explained earlier, this interface provides methods to read/get the client data from HTTP Request
Method of HttpServletRequest Interface
String getRequestedSessionId()
Provides ID of session
String getRequestURI()
Provides URI
StringBuffer getRequestURL()
Provides URL
String getServletPath()
Provides URL that identifies the Servlet
HttpSession getSession()
Returns Session (If not created, new session will be created)
boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie()
Returns true if session ID is available in cookie
boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromURL()
Returns true if session ID is available in URL
boolean isRequestedSessionIdValid()
Returns true if current context contains session id.
String getMethod()
Provides HTTP Method of request

  • HttpServletResponse Interface: As name indicates and explained earlier, this interface provides methods to write data to client as HTTP Response
Methods of HttpServletResponse Interface
void sendRedirect(String newUrl) throws I0Exception
Redirect the client to provided newUrl.
void sendError(int errorcode) throws I0Exception
Sends error code to client.
void setStatus(int code)
Sets status code of this response to code
void addCookie(Cookie cookie)
Adds cookie to the HTTP response
void setHeader(String field, String value)
Adds relevant field to respective value to Header
void setIntHeader(String field, int value)
Adds relevant field to respective value to Header
String encodeURL(String url)
Decides whether session ID can be encoded in  respective url. If available, returns modified url

  • HtttpSession Interface: Provides methods to read and write the information related to state of HTTP Session
Methods of HttpSession Interface
boolean isNew( )
Returns true if session is not yet accessed by client
void removeAttribute(String attr)
Removes specified attribute from session.
void setAttribute(String attr, Object val)
Adds new attribute to session with relevant value.
String getId( )
Returns Session Id.
Enumeration getAttributeNames( )
Returns an Enum with all list of Attributes
Object getAttribute(String attr)
For given attribute, returns its value in session.
long getCreationTime( )
Returns times since session is created (in milliseconds)

  • HttpSessionBindingListener Interface: This need to implemented by a objects that need to be send a word when they are bound or unbound from HTTP Session
Methods of HttpSessionBindingListener Interface
void valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent e)
To bound with event e that describes binding.
void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent e)
To unbound with event e that describes binding.

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