Servlet Interfaces

Methods of Servlet Interface
  • Servlet Interface: This is the interface that declares life cycle methods of Servlet. So the reason, any of your classes to behave as Servlet must implement the Servlet Interface (or) extend any class that implemented Servlet Interface
Methods of Servlet Interface
void init(ServletConfig scin)
throws ServletException
This initializes the Servlet. Using the scin, we can get the initialization parameter details.
void service (ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException

  • ServletConfig Interface:  This is the interface that helps the servlet to get the configuration related details

Methods of ServletConfig Interface
String getInitPararneter (String param)
Returns values of initialization parameters
ServletContext getServletContext( )

  • ServletContext Interface: This is the interface that helps the servlet to get the environment related details

Methods of ServletContext Interface
String getServerInfo( )
Returns information about server.
Object getAttribute(String attr)
Returns the value of the server attribute (attr).
void log(String s)
Writes content of 's' to the servlet log.
void setAttribute(String attr, Object val)
Sets the attribute specified by attribute lattr to the value passed in 'val'.

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