Using Cookies-Session Tracking

Using Cookies-Session Tracking
Example 8 : Session Tracking
·         Lets use two servlets - One to store cookie and other to read cookie
·         Create following files in a folder (Please check next slide for code)
o   HTMLFile             index.html                          Contains html that allows user to enter details
o   Java File                Contains logic to read/write session content
o   DD              Contains deployment details. Deployment Descriptor
o   DD          web.xml                              Contains deployment details. Deployment Descriptor
·         Compile the Java File as you did in earlier example
·         Create below structure with files that you created above
o   Folder "CreateCookie" contains
o   I__"WEB-INF" Folder and index.html
o   I__"WEB-INF" Folder contains "classes" Folder and web.xml File
o   I__"classes" Folder contains "CreateCookie.class" File and ReadCookie.class
·         Deploy the CreateCookie folder inside webapps folder of Tomcat
·         Bounce the Server
·         Send request using "http://localhost:8550/CreateCookie/index.html"

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