Explain the need for OOP paradigm

Q12. Explain the need for OOP paradigm.
Answer :

Traditionally, the structured programming techniques were used earlier. There were many problems because of the use of structured programming technique. The structured programming made use of a top-down approach. To overcome these problems the object oriented programming concept was created. The object oriented programming makes use of bottom-up approach. It also manages the increasing complexity. The description of an object-oriented program can be given as, a data that controls access to code. The object-oriented programming technique builds a program using the objects along with a set of well-defined interfaces to that object. The object-oriented programming technique is a paradigm, as it describes the way in which elements within a computer program must be organized. It also describes how those elements should interact with each other.

In OOP, data and the functionality are combined into a single entity called an object. Classes as well as objects carry specific functionality in order to perform operations and to achieve the desired result. The data and procedures are loosely coupled in procedural paradigm. Whereas in OOP paradigm, the data and methods are tightly coupled to form objects. These objects helps to build structure models of the problem domain and enables to get effective solutions. OOP uses various principles (or) concepts such as abstraction, inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism. With the help of abstraction, the implementation is hidden and the functionality is exposed. Use of inheritance can eliminate redundant code in a program. Encapsulation enables the data and methods to wrap into a single entity. Polymorphism enables the reuse of both code and design.

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