What is AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) : AI is a branch of computer science that deals with systems that exhibit some form of intelligence. AI deals with the study of those systems that can think like humans, that can act like humans, that can learn new concepts, draw useful conclusions, etc. AI programs show high-level of intelligence. Intelligence is the ability to acquire knowledge, understand and apply it when needed.
AI Technique: AI technique is considered as a method of using knowledge. The research in AI for the first three decades concludes that intelligence requires knowledge. More the knowledge an individual has, the more intelligent he is. Few properties of knowledge are,
- It occupies large volume.
- It is not easy to describe or characterize correctly.
- It is varying in nature i.e., it is continuously changing.
- It is different from data i.e., it is organized in accordance with the ways of using it. The methods to represent knowledge in order to use it in AI technique' is as follows.
- The knowledge captures general things. That is, grouping situations that share common properties rather than representing each situation separately. Knowledge is supposed to process this property otherwise a lot of memory space is wasted in representing such situations separately. If knowledge does not posses this property then it is termed as "data".
- The knowledge should be expressed in such a way that it can be understood by the people who must provide It.
- The knowledge must be adjusted easily to correct errors if occurred and also to reflect changes in the world.
- The knowledge could be useful in many different situations even though it may not be entirely complete or accurate.
- Knowledge could be used to overcome its own sheer bulk by aiding to limit the range of possibilities that need to be considered.
The three most important AI techniques are,
1) Search: It is a way of finding solutions to the problems that cannot be solved directly. It also acts as a framework to which direct techniques can be applied.
2) Use of Knowledge: It is a way of finding solutions to the complicated problems by means of manipulating structures of the objects.
3) Abstraction: It is a way of isolating important aspects and manipulations from those of the unimportant ones. This eliminates confusion pertaining to the unimportant aspects.
Turing Test: In 1950, Alan Turing proposed a Turing test. The intent of this test is to provide operational definition of intelligence. It is a simple test which avoids proposing a long and likely controversial list of qualifications that are necessary for intelligence.
In this method a test is applied to a machine to determine whether the machine can think like humans. Human beings pose some questions to the machine and get certain written responses. If a human being fails to determine whether the written responses come from a person or machine, then the computer is said to pass the test and is considered to be intelligent.
A computer must have the following capabilities in order to pass the Turing test.
- Natural Language Processing: To understand the natural language and to communicate in English.
- Knowledge Representation: To effectively store what it knows and reads.
- Automated Reasoning: To use the stored information for answering to questions and to produce new conclusions.
- Machine Learning: To be able to adjust to new conditions and to detect the patterns.
- Computer Version: To perceive the objects.
- Robotics: To control and modify objects. Researchers of AI have not spent much time to determine the success of a Turing test. Instead, they are trying to solve the problem believing that they are more important for conducting research in artificial intelligence.