Resolution in the Predicate Calculus

Resolution in the Predicate Calculus in Artificial Intelligence


  • Wffs can be abbreviated from ( ∀r1, r2,..... rn) (λ1v λ2 v...... v λk) to λ1v λ2 v...... v λkthe variables r1, r2,..... rmay occur in the literals λ1v λ2 v...... v λk. These abbreviated wffs are called clauses. 
  • We can resolve two clauses containing matching but complementary literals. 
  • That is if we have one literal as λ(r) and other as ᆨλ(Ï„) where Ï„ is a term which does not contain r, then Ï„ is substituted in place of r at the place it occurred, after this proposition resolution is performed on complementary literals so that a resolvent of two clauses is obtained. 
  • Example: If P(f(x), A) v Q(B, C) and ᆨP(y, A) v R(y, C) v S(A, B) are two clauses. 
  • We substitute f(x) in place of x in the second clause we have,
  • ᆨP(f(x), A) v R(f(x), C) v S(A, B) 
  • Now these two clauses can be resolved to get,
  • ᆨR(f(x), C) v S(A, B) v Q(B, C) 
  • The process of computing appropriate substitution is done by unification. 
  • In AI unification is a very important process. . 
  • Substitution Instance: It is the expression obtained by substituting terms in place of variables in an expression. 
                Example: Given expression Q[x, f(y), B] 
                we have, 
                Q[z, f(w), B] 
                Q[z, f(A), B] 
                Q[g(z), f(A), B] 
                Q[C, f(A), B] 
    The first three are alphabetic variants of the given expression as variables are substituted in the original expression. 
  • Ground Instance: The expression Q[C, f(A), B] is a ground instance of Q[x, f(y), B] since it does not contain any variables. 
  • The substitution can be shown by using a set of ordered pairs, 
                S = {Ï„1/r1, Ï„2/r2, ....... Ï„n/rn
  • The substitutions made in the above example of Q[x, f(y), B] are, 
                S1 = {z/x, w/y}, S2 = {A/y}, S3 = {g(z)/x, A/y}, and. S4 = {C/x, A/y}. 
  • If we want to do a substitution S is a wff w then it can be represented as ωs, 
                Q[g(z), f(A), B] = Q[x, f(y), B] S3 
  • A substitution S1, S2 that is combination of S1 and S2 is done by first substituting S2 in S1
  • Now S2 may have substitution for other variables which may not present in Sso they are added to the obtained substitution. 
                Example: If S1 is {f(y, z)/x} and S2 is {A/x, B/y, C/w, D/z} first of all, S2 is applied to S, so we have, {f(y, z)/x} = {f(A, B)/x} 
                Now, the substitution of variables not occurred in S2 and present in S2 are add to above result. 
                        ∴ {f(y, z)/x} {A/x, B/y, C/w, D/z} = {f(A, B)/x, B/y, C/w, D/z}
  • Composition of substitutions are associative i.e. (S1 S2S3 = S1(S2 S3
                Proof: Let w be Q(y, z), S1 be {f(z)/y} and S2 be {A/z} 
                (w S1S2 = [Q(f(z), z] 
                                = Q(f(a), A) 
                w(S1 S2 = [Q(y, z)] [f(A).y, A/z] 
                                = Q[f(A), A) 
                Hence proved.
  • Composition of substitution are not commutative i.e., S1S2 ≠ S2S1  
                Proof: By taking an example we will prove this, where w be Q(y, z), S1 be {f(z)/ y} and S2 be {A/z}
                w(S1S2) = Q(f(A), A) 
                w(S2S1) = [Q(y, z)] [A/z, f(z)/y] 
                              = Q(f(z), A) 
                As Q(f(A), A) Q(f(z), A) 
                Substitutions are not commutative. 
                Therefore, order of application of substitutions is important to be considered. 
  • Now, the substitution be applied to a set w1 which consists of a set of expressions and denoted by {wi}S where S is the substitution made. 
  • If a substitution S exists such that w1S = w2S = .... Then {wi is called unifiable set and S is called unifier of {w1
                Example: S = {C/z, D/y} unifies {Q[y, f(z), D], Q[Y, f(C), D]} to give {Q[D, f(C), D]}. 
  • From the example, we observe that there is no need to substitute D/y for unifying the sets given. So S = {C/z, D/y} is not a simplest unifier. 
  • mgu: It is the most general or simpler unifier. 
  • Property of g of {w1}: if {w1} has a unifier named S which gives {w1}S on substitution, then there will be a substitution S1 such that {w1}S = {w1} gS1
  • The most general unifier produces a common instance is unique except the alphabets may change. 
UNIFY Algorithm 
  • Several algorithms are used to find the most general unifier and it unifying is not possible it returns failure UNIFY is are amount them. 
  • UNIFY algorithm every literal and every term is represented as a list and it works on these list structure expressions. 
    • Example: ᆨQ(z, g(A, y)) is written as (ᆨQ z (g A y) where ᆨQ is the third top-label expression 
Disagreement Set 
  • It is the basic idea used in UNIFY Algorithm. 
  • It is obtained from a non-empty set W of expressions, by finding the first symbol in where that is not Same in all expressions and then the symbol at that position from all the expressions forms a sub expression, this expression is called the disagreement set. 
    • Example: In lists [(ᆨQ z (g A y), (ᆨQ z (g x B)] 
    • The disagreement set is {A, .x} 
    • By substituting A for x this can be brought to an agreement. 
  • The algorithm for where Γ is a set of list-structured expressions is as follows, 
    1. i ←0, Î“i < Γ, Ïƒ ← ∈ (here i is initialized to 0, Γi to Γ and an empty substitution is made for Ïƒi
    2. Tf Γiis a singleton, exit withσi the mgu of Γ. Otherwise, continue. 
    3. Di  ← the disagreement set of Γi
    4. If these exists elements ui and pi, in D1 such that u1, is a variable that does not occur in p1, continue. Else, exist with failure that Γ is not unifiable.
    5. {σi+1 ←  Ïƒi pk/uk}, Γi+1  ← Γi{pk/uk} (here it has to be noted that Γi+1 = Γi = Ïƒi+1)
    6. i ← i + 1 
    7. Go to step 2. 
  • The algorithm finds a mgu of a set or else returns i saying the set is not unifiable. 
  • The mgu produced can easily be converted into first-order logic form. 

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