Semantics in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning-Artificial Intelligence

Semantics in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning-Artificial Intelligence


  • There are infinite set of objects in the world and these are also called as individuals. The objects can be concrete (example, Block Q), abstract (example, 7, Ï€), fictional (example, Beauty), set of integers etc., which we want to say something about it by giving it a name. 
  • There are infinite set of functions that can be applied to individuals. These functions can be of any arity. 
      • Example: A function which maps a person into his or her parents. 
  • The individuals can participate in any number of relations. Every relation will have arity. A relation which has arity as 1 is called a property. 

  • In predicate calculus; interpretation of an expression refers to mapping of object constants into object that are in the world, n-ary function constants into n-ary functions, n-ary relation constants into n-array relation. 
  • The assignments which are made are called the denotations of their corresponding predicate-calculus-expressions. 
  • The object assignment are made to a set of objects, this set of object is called domain of interpretation. 
  • The values of an atom may be true or false depending on given interpretation. 
  • Example: Consider discs world problem. In this world the entities are P, Q, R and floor.
  • The relations that are present in this world are ON an Clear. The relations On and Clear can be defined by η tuples of the objects which participate in these relations. 
  • Let we have the discs as shown in Fig. 2.4.1. 
Semantics in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning-Artificial Intelligence,Interpretations in Artificial Intelligence,Models and Related Notition AI
Fig. A Configuration of Discs 
  • From the above Figure the relations of On are <P, Q>, <Q, P>, <R, Floor> and relations of Clear are <P> it is a singleton set.
  • The discs world problem can be described in predicate calculus. Let us use the object constants P, Q, R and F and binary relational constant On and unary relational constant Clear. 
  • The interpretation of the predicate calculus expression is shown in the Table
  • Table A Mapping between Predicate Calculus and the World 
Semantics in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning-Artificial Intelligence,Interpretations in Artificial Intelligence,Models and Related Notition AI
Table: A Mapping between Predicate Calculus and the World
From the above Table, we can find the values of some predicate-calculus wffs, 
        On(P, Q) is True because <P, Q> is in relation On. 
        Clear(R) is False because <R> is not in the relation Clear. 
        On(Q, P) is False because <Q, P>is not in the relation On. 
        On(P, Q) ∧ On(Q, R) ∧ Clear(P) is true because both <P, Q> and <Q, R> are present in relation On and <P> is present in Clear relation. 

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