Using Resolution to Prove Theorems in Artificial Intelligence

Using Resolution to Prove Theorems in Artificial Intelligence

Using Resolution to Prove Theorems 

  • The first step to use resolution as a rule of inference we have to convert wffs into clauses.    
  • If ∆ |== w then set of clauses are also logically entailed from ∆. 
  • Resolution refutation can be used to prove a wff w from ∆. 
  • The first step is to negate w, and this negation is converted to clause form and this is added to clause form of ∆. 
  • Until we deduce an empty clause the resolution is applied. 
  • Let us consider the courier delivery robot. Let the couriers delivered to room 20 are smaller than any of the ones in 27. It can be denoted as
    • (∀x, y) {[Courier(x) ∧ Courier(y) ∧ Inroom(x, 20) ∧ Inroom(27)] ⊃ Smaller(x, y) 
  • Converting the above wff into clause form and denoting Courier as C and Inroom as I and smaller as S we have, 
    • ᆨC(x) ∨ á†¨C(y) '.' ᆨI(x, 20) ∨ ᆨ(x, 27) ∨ S(x, y) 
  • If the robot knows the Courier B is in either of the rooms it can't know which is smaller. But it knows that A is in room 20 and A is not smaller than Courier B. 
      • C(B) 
      • C(A), 
      • I(B, 20)∨ I(B, 27). 
      • I(A, 20). 
      • ᆨS(A, B). 
    Now the robot which knows this information can prove that B is in room 20. By starting with the expression that B should not be in 20 the proof continues. It is shown in Figure. 
Using Resolution to Prove Theorems in AI,resolution in predicate calculus in AI,AI notes unitwise,A resolution refatution, knonwledge representation in I
Fig. A Resolution Refutation
    The information i.e. wffs known to the robot are present at the right side of the Figure and which has to be proved i.e. B is not in room 20 is shown at the left hand side. 

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