Time Complexity in Data Structures

Time complexity of algorithm is estimated in the following cases:
Best Case:
                The input instance for which the algorithm takes the minimum possible time is called the best case and the time complexity for such a case is known as the Best case time complexity.
Worst Case:
                The input instance for which the algorithm takes the maximum possible time is called the Worst case and the time complexity for such a case is known a s the worst case time complexity. This is the most commonly used.
Average Case
                It is the average of time taken by various possible input instances. For example, if we are searching for an element in a list, the average case measures the average of time taken by the search for the first element, the second element,… the last element and also an unsuccessful search.
Example for Calculating time complexity of Linear Search Algorithm:
  • Linear search in array of size n (8 in the example below)

Time Complexity can be measured by using any one of the following techniques.
Operation count:  In this technique, we consider the operations in the given algorithm or program that contribute to the execution time and count how many times those operations will be performed.

  • The success of operation count technique depends upon careful selection of the key operations
  • The operation count technique doesn’t count the time spent in other parts of the program except the key operations
Step Count: The technique counts the total number of steps executed by a given program/algorithm.

To compute step count, there is a technique know as PROFILING.
Profiling: In this method, we tabulate the number of steps per execution (s/e) of each statement, the number of times a statement is executed (frequency) and the product of the s/e and frequency. If we sum up the products for all statements, we will get the step count.
Example for calculating time complexity:

Let us consider an iterative function to sum up a list of numbers.

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