Introduction to the Compiler Design


Compiler Design

  • Programming languages are used to instruct user ideas to the computer
  • computer can't understand natural language, i.e. it can understand only binary / machine language (0's and 1's)
  • language translator is a system software that converts a code from one form of a language to another form of language
Example: Compilers, Interpreters and Assemblers
  • Compiler is a program which takes one language (source program) as input and translates it into an equivalent another language(target program)

"Only a few people will ever write their own compiler. so why bother?"
  • It provides better understanding of and appreciation for programming languages
  • An experienced computer professional knows about high-level programming and hardware. Both are connected by the compiler
  • Understanding the techniques of compilation is essential for a better understanding of how programming languages and computer interact together
  • Many applications contain little languages for customization and flexible control. So, compiler techniques are essential to design and implement these extension languages in proper manner
  • Compiler techniques are useful for reading, manipulating and writing data

How is it Linked with other Subjects of Engineering?

  • Automata Theory, the subject in which we study Formal Languages and Automata Theory, plays a major role in Compiler Design
  • In the Process of Lexical Analysis, programs are broken into tokens which are recognized through automata theory
  • Automata and Compiler Design is a subject which is a combination of Formal Languages and Compiler Design
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