PHP DATA BASE Introduction

PHP DATA BASE Introduction

Introduction to PHP DATA BASE

Learning Objectives
At the end of this topic, you will be able to:
  • Explain MySQL and its features
  • Explain MySQL database connectivity with PHP
  • Explain syntaxes related to the database
  • Describe how to update values in a table using PHP
MySQL Introduction
  • MySQL is the popularly used freely available relational database management system (RDMS)
  • You communicate with the database through queries, The communication usually involves making requests to the database to perform read/write operations. These queries are written in Structured Query Language
Important Features
  • MySQL is reliable, fast and east to use.
  • It can be used for smaller as well as larger projects handling huge volume of data.
  • It compiles on a number of platforms.
  • It is one of the building blocks of the popular LAMP Architecture.
Connecting and retrieving data-Introduction
While using PHP, if you want to perform any operation on the database data you need to first establish a database connectivity. This enables communication between PHP and MySQL.
PHP DATA BASE Introduction

How do you establish a connection? 
  • Connection is not established in-built and has to be created explicitly
  • You use the mysql_connect() function to connect PHP and MySQL
  • The mysql_connect() function, also called as data base handle, returns a resource which is a pointer to the database connection

mysql_connect() Function
The syntax for myqsl_connect function is as follows:
mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password)
$hostname: This is the local host as the MySQL is installed on local machine.
$username: This is the username to connect to databases.
$password: This is the password to connect to the databases, it is not mandatory to have password.
Note: You have to give the parameters and remember them as they are required for establishing connections later.

Example of PHP and MySQL Connection Using mysql_connect() Function
  • Write the following script in Notepad and save it with .php extension.
$username = "xyz";
$hostname = "localhost";
$dbhandle = mysql_connect ($hostname, $username);
echo "Connected to MySQL";
  • Run the file in a Web browser. If a connection is established, it displays the message connection established.
Introduction PHP DATA BASE

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