Strips Planning Systems in Artificial Intelligence

Strips Planning Systems in Artificial Intelligence


Strips Planning Systems 
Describing States and Goals 
  • The frame problem can be delead by using a combination of state space and situation calculus approaches.
  • The planning states here are referred as state descriptions. 
  • The formulas of predicate calculus which describe the set of world state are imagined as a type of state. 
  • These formulas are regarded as a data structure which changes when actions are performed. 
  • The data structures are searched to find the one that describes the set of world states which satisfies the goal.
  • The goal wff is of the form (∃x1, x2,   xn) g(x1, x2,   xn) and considered as g(xl, x2,..... xn). 
  • If a goal wff g is given then, the actions that are to be performed to get a world state by a state description Sd, so that Sd ⊨= g. 
  • The search process can be from initial state to goal state which is called forward search and also known as progression planning.   
  • The search may also be from backward direction that is from goal state to initial state. 

Forward Search Methods 
  • In order to search for the goal state operations are needed to perform actions so that state description can be changed.
  • These operators are based on a system called STRIPS
  • A search process is finished successful when a state description S produced such that Sd ⊨= g
  • The operator in SRR, PS system consists o three parts, 
    1. A set in order to represent the before the operations are performed. It is denoted by PC.
    2. A set in order to represent the ground literals that are present in the delete, list which are to be deleted, denoted by D.
    3. A Set of ground literals that are to be added, denoted by A. 
  • If an action is to be performed, then we delete the literals which are present in D from the description before action state. 
  • Next the literals in add list are added. 
  • The literals in D are not carried over to after-action state description instead the other literals get carried over this is  known as STRIPS assumption. 
  • The STRIPS assumption helps to solve the frame problem 
  • STRIPS rule is an operator schema It consists of free variables.
  • STRIPS rule example with free variables p, q and r is explained as follows, move .(p, q, r).
            The predictions of this operation are On(p, q) ∧ Clear(p) ∧ Clear(r).
            The delete list Consists of Clear(r), On(p, q) as p has to move onto r.
            The add list consists of On(p, r), Clear(y),clear(F). 
            The Fig. 3.10.1 illustrates the application of strips operators. 
Strips Planning Systems,Strips Planning Systems in Artificial Intelligence,Describing States and Goals in Strips Planning Systems,AI notes jntuh,
Fig. 3.10.1  A STRIPS Operator 
  • In this method, the new state descriptions are produced by applying the instances of STRIP rules. This process continues till we reach a state description which satisfies the wff of goal state.
  • It is economically beneficial to keep track of changes, instead of all literals which are not changed. 
  • Using of forward search in real-time applications, is not beneficial as we do not know the information about which rules are to be applied as there are large number of rules. 
  • Identifying islands is a method to make forward search beneficial. 
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