D-Separation in AI

D-Separation in Artificial Intelligence
  • The evidence may be uncertain in some cases. 
  • If the evidence is uncertain in expressions like P(A | É›) then we cannot get an appropriate probability about the query node. 
  • It is required to know whether the propositions represented by evident nodes are true or false. 
  • If we arrange the evident nodes in such a way that they have child nodes which we are certain about then the requirement is achieved. 
  • In case of uncertainty about the arm does not move by using a node M' the evident can be provided where M' represents the arm sensor tells that are moved. Depending on the reading we can known the proposition is true or false. 
  • So, by using Bayes network we calculate P(ᆨL, ᆨB,ᆨM') instead of P(ᆨL | ᆨB, ᆨM). 
  • In Fig. 3.5.1 node B is uncertain as we do not know whether the battery is charged or not. 
  • Node G is child node of B so, the reliability of the gauge is represented by P(G | B). Now we have to compute P(ᆨL | ᆨG, ᆨN') instead of P(ᆨL, ᆨB, ᆨM). 
  • For large networks the methods like' brute-force may result in worst-case. 

  • Conditional independencies are mostly implied in Bayes network than just involving the parents of a node. 
  • In the Fig. 3.5.1 M is conditionally independent of G if B is given. 
  • G is an effect and it can given some information of cause B which in turn influences M. 
  • If B is given, as B directly influences M, G do not tell anything more about M. 
  • That is, B D-separates G and M. 
  • Consider a figure. 3.7.1 which shows conditional independence via blocking nodes. 
what is UNCERTAIN EVIDENCE in AI,de-separation in AI,use of D-separation,use of uncertain evidence in AI,conditional independence via blocking nodesAI
Fig. 3.7.1 Conditional Independence via Blocking Nodes 

  • Let two nodes Ai and Aj are conditional independent given a set of nodes ε which is represented as I(AAj | ε) and let a node Ab exists in the path from Ai to Aj which posses anyone of the properties, given below, 
  • 1) The node be in the set of evident nodes and both the arcs of the path lead out of Ab, this can be seen as Ab1 in the Fig. 3.7.1 where both arcs lead out and it belongs to ε.
  • 2) The node belongs to set of evident nodes and one are on the path leads into Ab and another out of it. This is represented as Ab2 in Fig. 3.7.1.
  • 3) The node should be present in ε and its descendants should not belong to ε, and both the arcs should be into Ab. This is represented by Ab3 in the Fig. 3.7.1. 
  • If any of the above conditions are satisfied for a path them it is said that Ab blocks the path. 
  • It has to noted that paths are undirected paths. 
  • It is said that ε d-separates Ai and Aj if all the paths are blocked and they are said to be conditionally independent given ε.
  • D-separation concept can be as applied to sets.
  • Two set of nodes are D-separated by ε if every path between all nodes in the two sets are blocked if ε is given.
  • Two sets are conditionally independent if ε is given and D-separated by ε. 

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